Website about my career...

In general I prefer to visit pages of Instagram because I can see pictures about my future job, sometimes it's very exciting think that I will work in similar situations. Anyway I know many others websites not necessary Instagram. Also I visit pages of Instagram only about animals in general.
Well, if I have to make a ranking of the pages that I visit "Yo veterinario" would be a first. I very like this page because in some pictures show sicks and treatment about this sick, or strange disease, also the people that post in this page know so much about the career ( I suppose that they are veterinarians jaja). Also this page show about many others care about pets. I visit this site at least 3 times in the week.

                                                                    Page number 1°

You should follow this page :)

The other pages that I like I visit only for see pictures about animals or accessories, or medicine. "Turtles of the world" would be my second page because I love the pictures of baby turtles...

I follow more pages but I think that this pages won't still be good when I graduate because show onlu pictures jaja

I hope that in the future I know many others pages (not necessary Instagram) that contain all information that the veterinarians need.



  1. I also love the content of Yo Veterinario, they come up varied things of all animals

  2. ''Yo Veterianaio'' it's so cool, I learn new things every day. Also I follow a other page on instragam , but about pets and their crazzies :)


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